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How to Create a Rewarding Work Place

Written by Everett Lebherz | Feb 1, 2019 1:30:24 PM

A psychologist named Frederick Herzberg in the 50’s and 60’s was trying to discover what the factors of employee satisfaction were. Why? Dissatisfaction in the workplace can lead to staff turnover, training new people, and lost revenue from poor production.


Herzberg discovered that there were two key factors that motivated employee satisfaction:  

The Hygiene factors are relational to the company culture and operation. The Motivating factors are related to the individual employee themselves. So often, companies pay attention to the Hygiene factors and ignore Motivating factors. However, the results from focusing efforts on Motivating factors have a better ROI than the Hygiene factors.


So, how can this relate to an enrollment team?

If you were to start putting in place Motivating factors, you would need a tool to measure the team by. A tool that could provide data analytics and business intelligence into what your enrollment team is doing. PointCare has what is called an Enrollment Intelligence Dashboard, which gives you visibility into your enrollment team’s production on a daily basis.

Data such as:

How many uninsured visits did each enrollment counselor encounter this month?

How many of those uninsured patients qualified for a publicly covered program?

How many of those patients applied?

How many were then approved for those programs?


Implementing Motivating Factors:

Imagine holding a contest for the enrollment counselor with the most enrollments for the week, or maybe even seeing who was the most improved!? How would you be able to tell who won unless you had an unbiased system of record to provide you the real data.

Being able to reward, and duplicate best practices in our enrollment department leads to happier employees, saved time, and more covered/healthy patients. Wondering how you can find the answers for those four questions for your enrollment department?

Contact us at sales@pointcare.com.


Our Customer Success Advisors have implemented PointCare in over 600 FQHCs nationwide, who have decided to simplify their enrollment cycle. We are now providing free enrollment cycle assessments for those who qualify. Learn more at www.pointcare.com.