The number of uninsured patients that actually qualify for Medicaid will surprise you

This blog is going to be very short and sweet.

We are constantly analyzing data to determine effectiveness in qualifying your uninsured patients. For all uninsured patients screened through PointCare in the past 16 months, 81% qualified for Medicaid in expanded states, while 50% qualified in non-expanded states. This number represents the opportunity for reimbursement, which is basically - The number of uninsured patients that qualify multiplied by your PPS rate.

The question is, are all your uninsured patients being identified, and if so, are they being enrolled? If you don't have insight into the opportunity, then you are flying blind. This is why this data point is the single most important metric for your enrollment team. To see case studies about view our other post showing how to achieve this important metric.

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Expanded States by the NumbersNon-Expanded States by the Numbers



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